West Coast CounsellingCatherine Ogier - Counselling & Supervision in Guernsey

FAQ. flower

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Is what I tell you in confidence?

The content of your sessions is confidential. There are a few exceptions and these will be explained in our initial meeting. Your safety and the safety of others is paramount to me.

2) Are you member of a professional body?

Yes, I am on the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society's (NCP) register and this register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. Being accredited by the Professional Standards Authority offers enhanced protection to anyone looking for Counselling services.

3) How much does it cost, and how long is each session?

The charge per session is £75 (when working with individuals), and sessions last for 1 hour. Other Counsellors may offer 50 min sessions, which is known as 'The Therapeutic Hour', but I feel offering this 'extra' 10 mins works advantageously for both my clients and myself. I do have 2 spaces available at £55 per session. These sessions are available for discussion and are based around your particular circumstances. You may be placed on a waiting list for these appointments, and they are not available at peak times (after 5pm).

When working with Couples I offer fortnightly sessions lasting 90 minutes, at a charge of £130, or 1 hour sessions at £90

4) How many sessions will I need?

This is difficult to predict and depends on several factors. To help answer the question I can only use my experience with other clients. Generally, less than four sessions is unsatisfactory; clients report good results after eight to ten sessions; and those with deep issues or wanting to continue with their journey of self-discovery have continued beyond 20 sessions.


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